Como Contribuir para a Literacia Cinematográfica? A Experiência do Programa JCE

This communication will focus on the Programa JCE/Juventude-Cinema-Escola.
The programme has been in the field for the last 12 years (since 1998) under the responsibility of the Regional Board of Education of the Algarve (Ministry of Education) in the entire region. With its origins in a Masters thesis, it is a programme that works towards developing cinema literacy and has had up until now 60 of the 67 public schools of the area involved in it, along with its 25,000 students, 1,250 teachers and 1,200 viewing sessions.
JCE Programme has been sponsored by ICA, the Portuguese Institute of Cinema and by Fundação Gulbenkian.
The JCE Schools’ Network has major goals:
Establishing a teaching curriculum for progressive learning from the 5th to the 9th grade and from the 10th to the 12th grade. (Also based on this programme a new subject has been developed for students attending the primary school grade.);
Facilitating textual analysis;
Promoting oral, written and audiovisual expressions;
Allowing students to obtain critical decoders of media messages;
Using and creatively manipulating media;
Knowing cinema as an artistic expression, throughout its history, language and aesthetics;
Relating cinema with school subjects. (Network teachers are from a variety of areas such as history, languages, science and art.);
Bringing the schools and its respective communities closer;
The JCE Programme has been progressively expanding itself to train teachers and students in the area of cinema, under the motto: To watch, to learn, to love Cinema.

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