An Attempt to Return to Absolute Innocence

Actor, poet, philosopher and clown, Pepe Viyuela takes us into the universe that hides his most loved, adorable, sensitive and witty character. From stage to cinema, from cinema to stage, everything is a game, transformation and metamorphosis in symbiosis with the character creation where the actor disappears...
Words, gestures, light and chaos dissolve into pure, mimetic realities. So, hand in hand with the clown’s paradoxical logic, he unveils a decidedly open and genuine film experience.
Quiet, please. Action...
Palavras-chave: Pepe Viyuela, .Entrevista, .Cinema,

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.
Direitos de Autor (c) 2022 International Journal of Cinema