August 19, 2023



The deadline for submitting complete and original articles in Portuguese and English is December 31, 2023.

Anabela Dinis Branco de Oliveira (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro / Labcom Comunicação e Artes)
Luís Filipe da Cunha Teresinho (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro)

Throughout its history, cinema has explored the possibility of linking man with new technologies and new forms of intelligence in the projection of a new reality: the post-Man.
Developments in genetic engineering pave the way for the creation of a superior race of humans, fitter, stronger and more intelligent, through the integration of human beings into the latest advances in robotics, computing, nanotechnology and the emergence of new Artificial Intelligence devices. Science fiction meets techno-science in the projection of a new, super-intelligent human strain, Man 2.0, or the post-man who, abandoning his ephemeral body, will be able to live forever in a virtual environment, achieving transcendence. However, this brave new world raises many questions, not only in technical terms, but above all in terms of ethics.

Humanity is assimilating the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence algorithms in the film production chain. Artificial Intelligence in the film industry is already an unavoidable reality. It offers promising opportunities for new filmmakers. In addition to streamlining the entire project development process with the help of algorithms and data analysis, it gives access to valuable information about the target audience, market trends and viewer preferences.

Artificial Intelligence projects almost infinite, but perhaps debatable, potential in scriptwriting. Current applications exploit large language models to generate raw scripts (with titles, character descriptions, dialogues and scenes) used in series, television broadcasts and plays. The major North American studios use programs that allow them to know which scripts are likely to be the most commercially successful and to determine which films should or should not be made.

It can be used to plan the time and space of the shoot; to structure the répérage, analyzing real-world data in relation to the requirements of the script; and to organize casting, exploiting databases on performance and audience reactions in order to choose the best actor for a particular role. All this can be done by simply uploading the script to specialized applications. It is also important for organizing the financial set-up and planning in terms of scenery and costumes.

 Artificial Intelligence ages or rejuvenates actors, (de-aging) evolves rapidly in the creation of special effects, projects new potential in the areas of dubbing, editing, musical composition, color composition, the recreation of voices and sequences and the restoration of old series and films. In terms of distribution, Artificial Intelligence is already structuring the production of trailers, optimizing leaflets and posters to promote films and planning marketing campaigns.

When Artificial Intelligence ceases to be a cinematic character and becomes a fundamental element in film production, the inevitable avalanche of questions arises.

Will cinema lose its authenticity? How will Artificial Intelligence relate to cinema? Can Artificial Intelligence replace scriptwriters? Will machines surpass the quality of scripts written by humans? What are the legal limits to the possible posthumous participation of actors brought about by the development of Artificial Intelligence? Is it the end of identity or just the recreation of everything that is unique to the actor? What are the ethical and aesthetic limits in this confrontation between human creativity and the algorithmic potential of Artificial Intelligence? Is there a place for creativity in Artificial Intelligence?

We stress that it is the man who makes the final decision. Only man has a unique perspective and emotional depth. Artificial Intelligence tools help filmmakers and other professionals have more time and availability to focus on what is their core competence: creativity.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave illustrates the human condition. Will we be ready to abandon virtual and global comforts in order to live a true existence? Will we choose, like the other prisoners, to remain prisoners of the shadows and illusions offered to us, or will we dare to uncover what lies beyond the veil?

We invite moving image researchers and all those studying the potential of Artificial Intelligence to collaborate on this special issue. Following the editorial guidelines of the International Journal of Cinema, collaboration can take the form of an Interview, Film Review, Book Review, Testimonial or Scientific Article.

The following themes can be explored with regard to the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Cinema:

a) Artificial Intelligence, ethics and copyright;
b) Artificial Intelligence and creativity: limits and potential;
c) Artificial Intelligence and Cinema: philosophical approaches;
d) Representation of Artificial Intelligence in Cinema;
e) Author Cinema and Artificial Intelligence: certainties and uncertainties;
f) Artificial Intelligence and Cinema: new hypotheses and new applications;
g) Artificial Intelligence and the cinematographic camera: dialogisms.

Originals should be sent to